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Automatic Linear Washing Machine Tunnel Type

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This type of machine is preferred for higher outputs with multiple washing options using various washing media's suitable for glass/PET bottles. 

The unpacked bottles loaded on platform are aligned in rows on wire mesh conveyor, which are fed to respective bottle holders automatically. The system works on intermittent sequence which takes individual row for internal & external wash as per users convenience. The washed bottles are automatically unloaded on conveyor which is connected to turn table which ensures continuous feeding of bottles to the filling system. 

The machine conduction is S.S.304 (cladding) & contact parts are made of S.S. 316.

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

Site Designed & Maintained by Aman Infotech
A, Automatic Bottle Washing Machine, Automatic Capping Machine, Automatic Linear Washing Machine Tunnel Type, Automatic Liquid Filling Machine (Linear), Belt Conveyor, Belt Conveyors, Bottle Velumetric Bottles Washing Machinery, Bottles Velumetric Bottles Washing Machinery, Bucket Elevators, Bung Washing Machinery, Bung Washing Machines, Chain Conveyors, Conveyor For Packing, Deep Pan Conveyors, Filling Vessel, Filter Press Zero Hold Up, Filter Presses, Frame Type Filter Press, High Rise Conveyors, Horizontal Filter Press, Indexing Rotary Washing, Inspection Conveyor, Inspection Table Three Tracks, Membrane Filter Holder, Membrane Filter Holders, Membrane Filters, Monoblock Filling, Monoblock Filling And Sealing Machine, Packing Belt Conveyor, Packing Conveyor, Packing Conveyors, Pipe Conveyors, Plate Type Filter Press, Products, Roller Conveyors, Rotary Velumetric Bottle Washing Machinery, Rotary Velumetric Bottle Washing Machines, Rotary Washing Machinery, Scraper Chain Conveyors, Screw Conveyors And Feeders, Semi Auto Vaccum Filling Machine, Slat Conveyors, Sparkler Filter Press, Turn Table, Turn Tables, Velymetric Bottles Washing And Filling Machinery, Velymetric Bottles Washing And Filling Machines, Velymetric Washing Machinery, Volumetric Filling Machinery, Volumetric Liquid Filling Machinery, Volumetric Liquid Filling Machines, Zero Hold Up Filter Press